annual update
In its early years stordes (or hein duijnstee it was called up to 2010) published an annual update.
They were a reference to the work done and the thoughts and ideas developed during that year.
front page annual update 2009
They still provide interesting reading material and intriguing visuals. You might find that some of the themes and notions of today’s stordes were already present in some form.
For that reason they are available to download in pdf format.
wat je zegt ben jezelf
the ‘varia’ in this update provide some thought provoking views (in dutch, but you are free to use ai to translate)
complexity and contradictions
with some reprinted blogs, which remains actual, an essay how to unstuck decision making and visual aid in selecting management tools
contemporary organisations
with the need for for contemporary organisation, some reprinted blog again and a piece about design thinking with seven beneficial characteristics
the update highlights design parameters to embrace the essence of new organisational thinking: complexity made simple by genius, balanced rewards, form and meaning are one, embrace the magic, touching experiences.
with lengthly essay why beauty matters in organisations and a study into four different archetypes of organisations.
graphical thinking on organisations: over 300 graphical representation of organisational structures
no annual update, working on the book
elements of organisational beauty
50 challenging perspectives on organisational beauty
a step in a line of thinking
a lengthy introduction to the meaning of borders of organisations and the rediscovery of beauty
from the 2006 annual update: a first étude
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