exposition at atelier neérlandais in paris

In June 2021 Hein Duijnstee showed some of his work at the exposition ‘à propos - pandémie’ held at the atelier néerlandais in Paris.

The works were made during the Paris edition of the artlab from December 2020 to July 2021.

The video on show is based on the drawings in the book on the pedestal.

The series of 10 drawings: Paris 27/5/2021 #1,#2,#3,#4,#5,#6,#7,#8,#9 and #10



The video

Heads in a sketchbook. Abstracted heads of humans as envisioned and drawn by the maker. In that way they are connected. Their common presence in the book connects the heads too.

A video shows the heads by paging through the sketchbook. The heads are freed from the order in which they are chained in the book by the randomness of the paging.

Yet the video is just another linear order.

By closing the book the heads return to their autonomous position, but can not be seen anymore. The meaning of the image remains in the memory of the paging.

The sketchbook is in the possession of the maker and can be viewed on request.


The drwawings

The 10 drawings are about people’s relationship with each other and the structures they are part of or confronted with. The drawings form a continuum of how you relate as an individual or as a group to what your could call a social contract. The drawings allow you to ponder about that.


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